the clock strikes midnight... as the dream slips through your head... this is no dress rehearsal... there is no second chance...

Sunday, June 12, 2005

wrong of u to write this... very childish too.

Received an email kassy kassy ...
don't know who this fella is...
really upset me.. and certainly felt demoralised.

kassy kassy wrote :
This is an email to all of you in the jan cohort. I am disgusted at how some
of our classmates behave in class and during attachment etc. They can act as
though they are angels while scolding the patients behind their back. It's
such a disgusing act by them. Do you all think that its right of them to do
so. Just can't stand them.

Each tutoiral group from ND0405 to ND0407, there are people behaving like
that, some claim to be very nobel in their nursing attachment, while some
who have already reach a certain age yet still act inoncent and act cute,
while the young ones are like idiots, don't know why these people act cute,
act innoncent for what.

Some of you just like to kick up a big fuss for not getting A in project
work and blame each other for the mistakes etc, while some of you think that
you have been working a lot for the project and that the others are nott
doing much, can you all please be fair or not!!! This is a group work, don't
claim credit for yourself only. I am totally disgusted by the way some of
you all behave. Yucks!!!!!

Dear all, nursing is a profession that requires a heart that is willing to
care and sacrifice. If some of you all are doing it for the sake of money or
trying to show off your nobelness then i think you have come to to the wrong
profession. Please, dear classmates, i wish to see our class get united up
and don't be like what we did in semester where we ended up in unhappy
quarrel again. I hope that we can be friends again and no more sabotage

Sad Nursing student

Dear Kassy,

I don't know why i bother to reply to u. U leave us with no name. U, anyhow say.. and we are clueless as to who are u and exactly at whom are u targeting.. But the way it was written upsetted me and many others too. I wonder if u ever had any working experience or ever worked with people before. What u saw is nothing at all, it happens everywhere. Very normal and common too. But people just choose to ignore as there's nothing which can be done to change one's attitude.

I hope u are not one of my many friends i know at nyp.

What were u thinking before u mass email? U think there's no consequences meh? We can talk and discuss.. or is it u don't have anyone to talk to?

It seemed that u are having problems with ur own group... hey,u are not the only one. there are a few of us still having problems with their own grp dynamics. On this matter, I feel for u cos I, myself did faced problems within my own sub-groups in the last semester, but we had sort things out and will try to work it out for the next sem. Have to put our differences aside. I hope u can sort things out with ur dear classmates.

Before joining the nursing course, alot of things need to be considered as I have to forgo half of my salary. It's not abt money at all.. and so far, when interviewed, i gathered that we joined nursing with different reasons like, to learn new skill, to help the helpless, to contribute to the healthcare industry, to use the skill for missionary work and to become a nursing volunteer and some wanted to go overseas with the skill... and none of it concern money. Why u think the otherwise..?

I think i am the sad one now...

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