the clock strikes midnight... as the dream slips through your head... this is no dress rehearsal... there is no second chance...

Saturday, September 09, 2006

i thought u know who i am

dear friend,

How can i make u understand that at times i do certain thing for a reason. My behaviour or action may not be acceptable to others but i did not expect it coming from you too. Thought u know me so well to understand why i choose to be caught in such a situation. I bear no grudges against you but if u feel that u want to keep your distance to reflect, i respect your decision.. But the time u took to reflect has passed over due till we no longer speak and mingle like before.

And i am still not sure by what u mean by me not being sincere to others? If i wasn't as sincere as you thought i should be, i would not be the first to confront you. You have seen me do "insincere" things or things which I hate to do, but my actions, be it good or bad.. It has always been for the best interest of others, or a win-win situation. But if you view it differently, then I have nothing to say. Guess, I do not know you well enough too.

Now, whenever I do or say things, no matter how sincere I want it to be, it no longer matter to you. My sincerity is being questioned.

Knowing and being close to you has never been a mistake though, because i know that i can get along well working with you. To me, what has happened here are mere misunderstanding. I had said my apology and now I don't know what to do.

Yours sincerely..


Anonymous said...

sedih eh ct, friend that we thot know / understand us, begin to question each and every actions we do.

Tak pe, you dah approach that person. Let time heal the crack, dont push it.

if memang ada jodoh you dua berkawan balik, insya Allah, it will be stronger, closer, next time!

ViXen said...

yep.. actually i am sad that things turn out to be this way.. didn't mean to hurt anyone but others may have interpret my intention differently..