On Egg Transfer day, kevin was allowed to observe the procedure. He sat beside me. There were 2 monitors- one which showed the embryos (magnified) with my name and nric written on the dish, coming from the embryologist's lab. And, another monitor - the ultrascan which showed images of my bladder /uterus, to helped with the implantation of the embryo into my uterus by the reproductive endocrinologist, my consultant.
The procedure took less than 15mins, rested for a short while for 10mins, and that was it!
2 embbies are now in my uterus... please please get sticky to my uterus!
Got 20 days of hospitalisation leave till my pregnancy test on 7 feb!
In between this 2 weeks wait, gave myself the pregnyl jabs ( progesterone for luteal support) every 3-4 days as ordered.
A week have passed, another week to go. It was sure the longest 2 week wait ever.