the clock strikes midnight... as the dream slips through your head... this is no dress rehearsal... there is no second chance...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Into my Day 11 post FET

My 2nd attempt on IVF done naturally. My 3 frozen embryos survived the thawing and transfered all 3. Graded 2,3 and 4. My blood test will be on 3 May. Hope it will work this time.

I would say that this frozen cycle is much easier and less stressful as compared to fresh transfer. I have no major pains, bloatedness or even soreness. Not too sure whether or not any of it was a good/bad sign. However, initially, there were cramps over where the ovaries are , and back pain. I have no signs of AF coming too, maybe because of the progesterone pessaries. I read that the pessaries may likely to cause delay or even prevent AF from coming. No matter how much this cycle may seem easier, it still drives me crazy thinking if the implantation is working, whether the embryos are sticking on it or are they still alive from day 1.

I prayed very hard for this project to work. For the 1st 3 days, I restrict my hyperactive behaviour to the minimalist. Stayed in bed and had almost everything I need around me. I am really having good rest at my sister's place during this 2 weeks wait till this weekend. Kevin has been very supportive, allowing me to be away from home during this period. He must have miss me a lot ! He came to visit, took me out for movie once and to the shopping mall. I have the company of my nieces and nephew. I watched the hilarious comedy " the big bang theory" - and finished watching the whole of their 3 seasons. Oh, if any of my embies survived, I don't mind if my kid turns out to be a genius like Dr Seldon :D

I went to work on Day 9 post FET, i was not happy about it of course, but I had no choice. Nobody at work cared I supposed ( except for Ruby, Efiea, Jessie and Zee Ying).

Since I do not have any signs of AF or any implantation bleeding as many others ivf-mumwannabe would usually expect... it's making me want to get that home pregnancy test set to see for my self and to end this waiting game. Impatient I am, but i need some info. If I am going to get a faint negative, i am all prepared for it. But if i get a faint positive, I will be excited and afraid at the same time too... the waiting game continues till the day they run the blood test to confirm. Then, it will be the worst 3 day wait ever! And if the result turns out to be the opposite...that, I cannot take it! Feeeling the stress now.

Sigh... think i better quit thinking about this HPT experiment.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

... wake up you little fool...