the clock strikes midnight... as the dream slips through your head... this is no dress rehearsal... there is no second chance...

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

I Like...

Prefer this layout of cos, compared to the pinky ones.. weak, not me! If got anything that is a bit "garang" lagi better. Tango yangki, sayang..u are the best!

Never had an afternoon nap like i did tdy.. after lunch , sleep. Looked into the mirror and i see my shoulder is getting bigger, my cheek puffier, tummy still there.. ugly me!

Have to plan what to cook for the rest for the week. Once Kevin goes ICT, i will definately eat less cos' I am not going to cook much and attend aerobics more often. Got to start running.. once stopped difficult to start again.. lazy!

Most importantly, read the classified ads every day for oppurtunities. NoW, what do i want to be next?

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