the clock strikes midnight... as the dream slips through your head... this is no dress rehearsal... there is no second chance...

Monday, July 23, 2007

15, 16 July : Trip to Kukup

Drove up to Kukup last weekend with Kevin's colleagues. An experience to live in a house just above waters. But it was low tide or no tide at all during the day.. so we get to see living creatures like crabs, snakes, snails and mud skipper. It looked dirty actually beneath, on the sea bed.. or should i say.. swamp.. cos the house is near to the mangrove. U can find dead animals.. but mostly dead fish. And all the junk and litters. I saw the residents just simply threw their litters out from their window. Low tides.. or no tide.. allows the monkeys to come out to play on land and also .. get to see rats.. big rats.. running, finding food. Occasionally u will hear the sound of water pouring down from underneath the house.. ah,.. that water.. are dirty water from the toilets.. no sewage facility. All natural.. Big and small business done all drop from under the house.. quite unsightly but that's still part of life over there. That is the only thing that reminded me of the trip.. besides the floating kelong. I love nature .. so i don't mind. But somehow, i need to be accompanied by Kevin in the toilet to bathe. I was afraid that anything from underneath the toilet bowl, something might just climb up to surprise me..eeeeioww.. scared!

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