the clock strikes midnight... as the dream slips through your head... this is no dress rehearsal... there is no second chance...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

tidy up that closet..

bye bye to kev, he drove off to work.. and i went for a quick jog..
my usual route..
my head felt so light..
it must be the hair!!

thought of going to safra for swim.. and relax at their jacuzz pool..
but the weather's turning dark..

taking a break from doing housework...
wah.. kev really got a lot of t-shirt.. but all worn out, the collar are out of shape and
they are all discoloured..
some still can be worn but they are not the in-thing right now.. so gonna give-away..
gonna dump into the salvation army container.. think they know what to do with it..

as for me.. i realised that i don't really have many to give away..
they all have to be thrown!!

a ReVamp is what i want now!!!
new sets of everything!!
REVaMP the whole of me!!!

search and shop... what a good timing...
hmmm.. GSS or not..
i see myself buying things..all the time..
sale or no sale..
cheap.. but how cheap is cheap?
so no diff.
got $$$, sure shop shop shop.. from nothing in mind to something..
btw, next on my list..
girls always seeing clothes..
so clothes are nothing special,
see nice , new stuff... buy..
but i want guitar..
for what?
learn for fun..
everything for fun
fun is getting expensive already..

cycling is serious hor.. not for fun
must cycle.. die die must

hand itch..
wants vs needs = > WAnts as always.. may need it next time,
buy first incase , next time cannot find..
then never use..
always the case.

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