15 January : Vivocity
The zoo trip was cancelled as most of my frens couldn't make it. Me and Shiken didn't want to laze at home, and since the weather was good, we decided to go to East Coast to cycle. But unfortunately, every time we are together, the weather changed. It started to rain when we were on our way there, along the ECP, U-turn at Fort Road and Shiken drove toward Vivocity instead.
Well, there's nothing much we could do there ... we could only think of eating and then, took some pics, and played some games at the Arcade.
Die-die before we start work.. must go cycling! Must make sure!
On this day too, we got to know the ward we'll be going to work start 1st Feb. I will be returning to the same ward. But my friend, HP and YF won't be. They tried talking to the person in-charge but they did not get a pleasant response. Some got lucky where they got to go to the specialized ward of their choice.
16 January: SIM and Sentosa
Kevin booked out early this morning, given a day's off and to report back by the next day by noon.
Met up at Clementi, went to SIM to collect his course materials, headed back home asap as Papa coming over to collect some things. And once the washer ended, hanged his army uniform and other stuffs to dry, and then, to Sentosa we went. The weather was suprisingly cloudy, no rain.

Reached home in time to watch BlogTv which featured our friend , Haznita with her child, D , "who says my mum doesn't blog?" , i think that was the title.
17 January: SGH , Newton Food Centre
Left house with kevin. Bye bye.. he went back to camp.
I brought my mum to SGH for eye check-up. Very long wait at the clinic, about 2 hrs before she gets to see the doctor. We left the hospital at about 5:30pm and the train was so crowded, mum didn't get to sit. She complained her leg pain... must be after too much walking .. she really got no energy.. leg not strong also.. how to help her? Hmmm... i also don't know what to do.
then bye bye to mum at yew tee, i made my way to jurong east, meet up with Shiken for dinner. craved for chilli crab.. so we went to Newton Food Centre. YF joined us too after she had her spa session. So again.. eat eat eat... chit chat... chat abt what to do next.. ? Next activity: to the zoo, cycle at Ubin and swimming at the new swimming complex at Jurong West... Must do it before start work!!!
Shiken ordered gong gong... wah best!

18 January : Juli's house

we spent the day at juli's beautiful baywater ...
supposed to make use of the facilities there,but we ended up eat, eat and eat... chat and chat ....
This photo taken in Juli's daughter's bedroom... princess's room.. so sweet and pink.
19 January: TTSH and movie

Early morning went for medical checkup and collect our scrubs at TTSH together with YF.
Laila met up with us later part of the day too.
Purple scrubs looks nicer than the usual blue.. but to me, the scrubs look like pyjamas.. and kevin said we look no diff from the patients. The scrub looks so baggie and it definitely won't look good with the free girl-girl shoe.. i feel like i wanna get that Nike all-black coloured sports shoe... but it's so expensive.. $1o3. Hmm.. think i want to go scout for other brands... so long the shoe look a little rugged and to last for 3 yrs.
After all done and settled, bid farewell to YF who left for weekend cruise and be back by Sunday. And before she left, she already can't wait to be back again to go swimming or the zoo as planned.
In the evening, Kevin came back from camp. Quick wash his uniform and dirty stuff, then left for that Mel Gibson movie ... don't know how to spell the movie title... very good movie.. or was it Pan Labyrinth... can't recall when we watched that spanish (i think) movie.. another good movie.
Watched a few other movies lately.. but can't remember when and what.
20 January : Sam's Wedding and Niece Khadijah 1 yr old Birthday
Attended Sam's church wedding with HP held at the catholic church opposite Mac at Toa Payoh Central. Simple and it was quite fast ah.. some guest came dressed up in retro as it was the theme for her special day. I came in my usual jeans and white top.
After the wedding, I called Gong Gong for lunch at Fork and Spoon, together with Papa since he wanted to come over to Toa Payoh, to fetch me home . i then, realized that .. Papa is Gong's son-in-law, and me, papa's daughter-in-law... and to grandpa, i'm his granddaughter-in-law... hmmm, it was like an "all-in-law' day ..
Late afternoon, i left home again to my bro's house at Bt Panjang to celebrate his 1yr old daughter birthday.

Reached home late and house so empty... couldn't sleep.. didn't feel tired at all. Been out for the whole week and yet still feeling restless.. i think i miss my sayang.
21 January : Home whole day ...
Morning went breakfast with Elliot.. so long never see her.. and she is into her 8th mth pregnancy.. so happy for her. Congrats!
YF smsed after returning from the cruise, to confirm on tmr's activity.
To JUrong west swimming ctr.. rain or shine, must get out of the house.. die-die must play.. we got not much time liao!!!
Spend the rest of my Sunday at home.. alone & nothing much to do, jus laundry, bored. No one to talk to.. so silent at home. Waited and waited for kevin to call me.. so my mobile phone always with me 24/7, by my side or in my pocket .. my boredom was relieved when i received his phonecalls.